The Difference Between Cream of Wheat & Farina
Cream of Wheat Nutrients
Cream of Wheat is similar in texture (smooth) and color (white) to hominy grits . Nutritionally, it contains just 120 calories per cup and a moderate amount of carbohydrates (23 gm per cup). In one serving of Cream of Wheat, you can get almost half of the recommended daily amount (RDA) of iron. One serving also provides 20 percent of the RDA for calcium. When prepared with fat-free milk, the calcium intake is bumped up to 70 percent. Cream of Wheat is also a great nutritional choice for pregnant women, who are often encouraged to up their folic acid intake to boost vitamin B levels and help reduce the risk of birth defects. A serving of Instant Cream of Wheat provides 25 percent of the daily value of folic acid. It also contains vitamin C, which aids in increasing the amount of iron the body absorbs.
Cream of Wheat Nutritional Weaknesses
While it may be a decent iron source, your fiber consumption needs will not be met with Cream of Wheat, as it contains none. During processing of the cereal, the bran is stripped from the wheat, which results in the elimination of the natural, soluble fiber present in wheat. Another drawback is the lack of fiber causes the elevation of blood glucose and insulin levels, which is dangerous for diabetics or others who need to sustain steady blood sugar levels.
How Farina Compares
Those concerned about cholesterol intake will be happy to learn farina has a zero cholesterol count. Like Cream of Wheat, farina provides some iron -- 15 percent of the RDA) and while Cream of Wheat is empty on fiber, farina provides 13 percent of the RDA in each cup (one serving). Rougher in texture and darker in color (slightly more brown), farina also provides a number of healthy minerals; potassium, in particular, makes up the most with a content of 5 percent.
Where Farina Falls Short
Farina has was far more calories than Cream of Wheat; 549 per serving. And while Farina packs the fiber missing in Cream of Wheat, it also has way more carbohydrates, 46 percent (compared to 13 percent for Cream of Wheat). Farina is also not a good source of vitamins A and C, containing none.
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