Creative Names for Kids' Nutrition Courses

Teaching the basics of good nutrition requires more than simply great information when working with kids. Keeping their attention and focus requires a bit of creativity as well. When planning a kids' nutrition course begin with identifying the ideas that you would like to communicate and then choose a theme and create an attention-getting name as the enticement. Ideally, the theme should be broad enough to encompass a variety of activities while clearly relating to the course topic.
  1. Healthy Food Choices

    • Course themes surrounding healthy food choices are popular and the hunt for the perfect theme may be as close as a click of your mouse. The American Dietetic Association posts an annual nutrition theme online as well as learning activities and resources. The United States Department of Agriculture also has ready-made materials available to the public including lesson plans and coloring pages. Possible creative names to work this type of course around can include "Fantastic Food," "Nutrition Exploration" or "Fun with Food."


    • Hands-on gardening activities can motivate kids to greater involvement in nutritional choices.

      A course on gardening lends itself to interactive activities and hands-on learning. Utilizing well-known childhood nursery rhymes or a popular fictional character can entice kids to participate while cluing parents in to the activities they should expect. Possible course names can include "How Does Your Garden Grow?," "Old McDonald's Farm" or "It's Easy Being Green." For older children using course names that focus on the latter stages of gardening, such as harvesting, may be more appropriate. Applicable names for such courses can include "Harvest Fest," "Gorgeous Gardening" or "In Bloom."


    • Cooking activities with children are another way to help them take ownership of healthy eating. Utilizing art themes can be a fun way to help kids focus on the importance of eating a variety of colorful foods. Broad art themes can also leave room for multiple activities. Examples of creative names for such activities include "Color Your Way to a Healthier You" or "Color Me Healthy."

    Physical Education

    • Introducing children to sports can create a lifelong healthy habit.

      For those courses that integrate exercise and nutrition it is important to choose a creative name that allows for a variety of physical fitness activities. A great place to gather ideas is the Center for Disease Control website. In addition to teaching ideas, the site boasts a physical education activity calendar that can be individualized for students. Possible names for courses with this theme include "On the Move," "Hop on Pop" or "Fun in the Sun."

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