What Are the Recommendations for Fat Intake According to the MyPyramid Food Guide?
Unsaturated Fat
Polyunsaturated fat and mono-unsaturated fat primarily comes from plant-based sources. My Pyramid suggests consuming your fat intake primarily through unsaturated fats. The consumption of these fats can actually improve overall cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of conditions related to bad fat intake. Omega-3 fatty acid represents this type of fat. Mono- or polyunsaturated fats are often liquid at room temperature.
Saturated Fats and Transfats
Saturated fats are often derived from animal sources. My Pyramid encourages avoiding these fats. Saturated fat and trans fats raise cholesterol levels in the blood. Trans fats are typically found in processed and fast food because they were invented for food processing by blending unsaturated and saturated fats for easier cooking and longer shelf life. This deadly kind of fat not only raises cholesterol, but also reduces the ability of the body to process these fats.
Solid Fats
Solid fats are foods that contain saturated fats and trans fats. These fats are often found in dairy and fatty meats.They are high in cholesterol and cause fat to build up in the blood and collect on artery walls. My Pyramid calls solid fat "discretionary calories," meaning they have no nutritional value, and should comprise only a small portion of your daily diet. According to My Pyramid, discretionary calories from solid fats should comprise not more than to 250 to 300 calories in a 2,000 calorie diet. Examples of solid fats include butter, cheese, ice cream and many baked goods.
Healthy Oil
Vegetable oil is My Pyramid's suggestion as an alternative to solid fat and one that can be beneficial to overall cholesterol levels. Oils from nuts and fish are also good in moderation because they do not raise the kind of cholesterol (LDL) in the blood responsible for heart disease. Oil from vegetables, nuts and fish also helps lower this "bad cholesterol" in the blood. My Pyramid recommends about 6 tsp. of oil a day for healthy adult men and women. Healthy oils include corn and sunflower. Olives, nuts and avocados also contain healthy oil.
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