Foods Found With Leptin
A diet rich in fish has been shown in research studies to keep leptin levels healthy. Cod, halibut and snapper have proven particularly helpful in managing levels. Baking, grilling and broiling, with a minimum of added oils such as those found in butter, will make these foods even more helpful when it comes to leptin management.
Other Proteins
Consuming normal levels of proteins besides fish can help your body be more attuned to the signals from leptin, particularly if you eat them with breakfast. Eating protein at this early point in the day helps your body self-monitor energy needs and help you eat only when your body needs energy. As long as you stay away from fatty foods, proteins like eggs (in mediation -- egg whites are even better), yogurt, turkey sausage and bacon are good breakfast choices.
The more fiber you consume, the fewer useless calories and carbs you have interfering with leptin's ability to communicate with your brain. This includes everything from whole-grain breads and high-fiber fruits to leafy greens. Pasta with whole wheat, while a carb, has enough fiber to help boost your body's responses to leptin.
Foods to Avoid
If it's processed or white (think processed snacks, rice, white potatoes), it interferes with your leptin levels and your body's ability to read them. High-fructose corn syrup and sugar are substances that your body can learn to crave, but they will also block your brain's ability to "hear" your leptin levels -- and so you won't stop eating when you should.