Other Types of Mangoes That Are Available
The second most popular mango in the United States is the Ataulfo. The Ataulfo is bright yellow when ripe, weighing about 6 oz. to 12 oz. and taking the shape of a somewhat pressed oval. Its skin displays tiny wrinkles at the peak of ripeness, generally between March and July. These mangoes are extremely creamy and nearly free of fibers, with a sweet and intense flavor. The seed of the ataulfo is proportionately very small to the fruit, such that this variety has a high percentage of edible flesh.
Large, oval-shaped Kent mangoes are green-skinned with a deep ,red blush and occasional yellow hues. Their fiberless, supple texture and sugary flavor makes them a perfect choice for juicing or drying; their seeds are also quite small. The ripe Kent mango cuts nearly like butter, but its softness should not be subjected to squeezing. Kent mangoes originated in Florida and are available from January to March as well as June to August, weighing approximately 23 oz..
Haden mangoes have firm, fibrous flesh and strong flavors, exhibiting vivid red skin containing overtones of green or yellow and occasional white dots. Its ripeness can be determined by a gentle squeeze test as well as a gradual yellowing of the Haden mango's green sections. These large, ovate mangoes--generally 16 oz. to 24 oz. -- make up 90 percent of Hawaii's commercial mango production. Peak availability of Haden mangoes is in April and May.
Francis mangoes are mostly imported to the United States from small Haitian farms. Their skins are bright yellow with green overtones which fade as the fruit ripens; the yellow, on the other hand, becomes richer. Ripeness can also be judged by gentle squeezing of the fruit to check for tenderness. The oblong Francis mangoes are available between May and July, providing moderately fibrous, juicy strong-flavored fruit which is spicy and sweet.