What Are the Benfits of Drinking More Water?
Your body loses water consistently throughout the day due to sweating and urination, among other things. Side effects of dehydration can include migraines, constipation, problems with the kidneys and sometimes death. Keeping your body hydrated will help combat these side effects. If you have a headache, drinking room-temperature water may alleviate your pain.
Weight Loss
Water can help with weight loss. Sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger, resulting in consuming too many calories. If you have recently eaten and find that you're still hungry, drink a glass of water. Some dieters will drink a glass of water before they eat a meal to help with portion control. According to the December 2003 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, water consumed within a 10-minute period increased the metabolism by 30 percent, thus increasing the number of calories burned. People who exercise regularly should drink two 16-oz. glasses of water an hour before exercising and have water nearby to drink during exercise to avoid dehydration.
Healthy Skin
Toxins that are in your skin will sometimes release through your face and cause acne breakouts. While drinking water may not have you looking 20 years younger, it will help your skin stay hydrated and may contribute to a clearer complexion.
Healthy Bowels
Drinking the recommended amount of water each day can aid in healthy bowel movements. Drinking water will help prevent constipation by keeping your bowel movements soft and therefore easier to pass. For this to be effective, skip the coffee or beverages high in caffeine. Water should be consumed in either water or juice form to help with bowel movements.
Healthy Pregnancy
Women should be sure to keep hydrated during pregnancy. Water is needed for the expansion of the body during pregnancy and is beneficial for the kidneys, cells and liver of both the mother and child. Dehydration in pregnant women can lead to preterm labor, low production of breast milk or even miscarriage.