Medical Disadvantages of Distilled Drinking Water
Water as a Solvent
Water is the universal solvent that almost everything can be dissolved in. By removing everything dissolved in water, distillation makes water a more active absorber, and the water will begin to absorb and dissolve anything it comes into contact with, even chemicals from the air. So it is very important to keep anything containing distilled water sealed. Cooking with distilled water will remove more nutrients and minerals from food than cooking with tap water.
Potential for High Acidity
Being an ideal solvent, distilled water will rapidly absorb carbon dioxide molecules, which increases its acidity. Distillation also removes natural trace elements from water, leaving it full of hydrogen ions and very acidic when compared to tap water. When a person consumes liquids high in acidity, his blood will become more acidic. The body compensates for this by releasing minerals such as potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium into the bloodstream in order to raise the blood's pH level. Distilled water will then dissolve these minerals and eliminate them from the body, while all the while the body works harder to balance the blood's pH.
Long-Term Effects
If drunk regularly, distilled water will absorb minerals and electrolytes from the body. Over time, if a person continues to drink only distilled water he will begin to develop mineral deficiencies such as osteoporosis.
The consumption of soft (low mineral content) water correlates with cardiovascular disease. Distilled water, having no mineral content, is very soft. Drinkers of distilled water who supplement it with minerals are still more mineral deficient than their tap water-drinking counterparts even after several years of taking supplements.
Soft and Sports Drinks
Soft drinks and sports drinks are made with distilled water. These drinks are loaded with sugar, making them already highly acidic. The extra helpings of sugar in these drinks dissolve very easily because of the distilled water used to make them. Distilled water has already been shown to remove minerals from the body. A highly acidic beverage made with distilled water leaches even more minerals from the body.
Even though they are loaded with sugar, many sports drinks contain electrolytes which help an exercising body recover. If drunk while exercising, a person's body will metabolize the sugar much more rapidly, providing much-needed energy. The effect of the sugar's immediate metabolization makes the sports drink mildly healthier than the soft drink, if drunk while exercising.