Salba Ingredients
Dietary Fiber
Salba is a great source of fiber. It has 36 g of fiber for every 100 g, consisting of 32 g which are water-insoluble and 4 g which are water-soluble. Water-insoluble fiber helps improve laxation and reduce constipation. A high fiber diet can also help prevent or treat digestive problems. Fiber can also be an important element in treating diabetes, colon polyps and certain cancers.
Omega 3
Omega-3 has been shown to help regulate gene transcription, reduce risk factors for coronary heart disease, help maintain the structure of cell membranes and is a major factor in the transportation of cholesterol and your metabolism. One of the key properties of salba is that it is very rich in omega-3. A deficiency of omega-3 can cause decreased memory, poor vision, tingling sensations from nerves, learning disorders or irregular heart beat. Salba is the highest natural food source containing omega-3, with 3.05 g per 15 g.
Antioxidants can stop the damaging effects of oxidation in your body. When cells use oxygen, they create byproducts that are called "free radicals." These are toxic and unstable oxygen molecules that have an imbalance of electrons. When there is an imbalance of electrons, these molecules will take electrons from other cells, causing damage. Salba is a very good source of antioxidants, having more than found in whole grain cereals and 30 percent more than blueberries.
Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals
Salba is an excellent source of protein, with essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The protein efficiency ratio of salba is slightly higher than that of soy protein and is of the same digestibility of other protein sources. Salba is also a highly controlled crop, grown only in specific conditions. These conditions require a very rich soil which makes salba a good source of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, copper, iron, potassium and zinc.