Healthy School Canteen Ideas
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Fresh fruits and vegetables, such as apples, strawberries, bananas, blueberries, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, are low in fat and are natural sources of fiber. Picky eaters who do not like vegetables alone can use a tablespoon of hummus, rich in healthy unsaturated fats and high in protein, as a dip. Prepared vegetables should be steamed or baked, not fried. Avoid preparing vegetables with high-fat and high-calorie food items like butter or oil.
Provide a serving of water or low-fat skim milk as beverages in the school canteen. Avoid hot or cold coffee beverages and soda pop. If serving fruit juice in your school canteen, the label should read "100 percent fruit juice." Check the ingredients on the bottle of fruit juice. If "high fructose corn syrup" is listed as an ingredient, avoid it. Two juices high in Vitamin C include orange juice and nectar juice. Children ages 4 to 12 should drink only 8 oz. of fruit juice per day.
Snack Items
Unsalted pretzels and popcorn without butter serve as healthy snack options for your school canteen. Graham crackers, animal crackers and oatmeal also provide a nutritious alternative to candy. Serve low-fat granola atop low-fat yogurt, or whole-grain bagels, to students and employees. Use healthier alternatives to the typical condiments, like replacing cream cheese with low-fat cream cheese.
Main Menu Items
The school canteen can eliminate unnecessary fat from students' diet by primarily serving white meat, such as poultry, pork or fish. Avoid or reduce oils and butter when preparing foods; use cooking sprays to grease pans in which meat is prepared. Avoid frying meats. Vegetarian options with beans such as legumes or chickpeas can also be used as a lower-fat, high-protein menu option. Instead of French fries, make baked sweet potato fries as a side. Brown rice can be served as a side instead of white rice.