How to Fast With Super Foods
Consult a doctor before making a drastic dietary change. If you have certain medical conditions, a fast may be bad for your body or create unnecessary risks for you. At the very least, your doctor can recommend which foods or supplements you should gravitate toward or stay away from.
Eat lightly in preparation for your fast. You need to get your stomach to shrink a little before you deny yourself all the foods you're used to eating regularly. If you've never fasted before, the mental and physical transition can be difficult. Your motivation to fast needs to be strong to get you through the difficult moments where you crave certain foods. You may even want to try fasting for a day, taking a break, then going back for a longer fast when you'll be acclimated.
Select which foods and/or supplements you're going to ingest before or during your fast. Some fasts prohibit solid foods but allow juice. Cabbage, blueberries, apples, flaxseeds and pomegranates can be blended or juiced. Cabbage stimulates the immune system and purifies your blood. Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients that improve vision and brain function. Pomegranates are loaded with antioxidants as well, and they reduce artery-clogging plaque. Flaxseeds have useful fiber, fatty acids, protein and important minerals that benefit your body. If you can't or won't consume whole super foods during your fast, take supplements that provide the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need.
Snack on almonds before the fast. Almonds are loaded with fiber that will make you feel full, and they have been shown to lower cholesterol. If you have a sweet tooth, eat two ounces of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate that has a cacao content of 60 percent or greater contains flavonols and antioxidants that lower unhealthy cholesterol.
Eat small, nutritious meals that are easy to digest when your fast ends. Most soups and salads work well. Do not eat rich foods, and the foods you do eat need to be ingested slowly. This is because your body has become more sensitive to toxins, fats, sugars and other substances. Those substances either need to be avoided or slowly reintroduced to your body.