Which Fruits Are Good for Roughage?
Many fruits are good sources of fiber, but some fruits contain more roughage than others. A 1 cup serving of fresh raspberries provides 2.4 g of roughage; one small red apple with skin or half a large pear with skin provides 1.8 g; four fresh apricots with skin or 1 ¼ cup of fresh strawberries contains 1.7 g; and one and a half dried figs provide 1.6 g of roughage. Fruits containing roughage in lesser amounts include plums, mangoes, blueberries, oranges, kiwifruit and peaches, according to Harvard University Health Services.
Eat the skins of fruits such as apples, pears and apricots, as peeling reduces their roughage content. Choose raw, whole fruits over fruit juice. Fruit juice contains vitamins and minerals, but little or no fiber. For example, a ½ cup serving of apple juice contains no fiber, but an apple with its skin intact is a good source of fiber, says Colorado State University. Canned fruits also tend to be lower in fiber than fresh fruits.
Weight Control
Eating fruits with roughage may stop you eating too much and help prevent weight gain. Fiber has no calories but it promotes a feeling of fullness. High-fiber foods must be chewed well before they can be swallowed, making it harder to eat a lot of food in a short period of time.
Roughage absorbs water in the digestive tract, softening and adding bulk to stools. This makes stools easier to pass, helps prevent constipation and promotes regular bowel movements. Roughage may also help make loose, watery stools more solid as it binds to water in the colon, says the Mayo Clinic.
Disease Prevention
Roughage speeds the passage of food through your digestive tract. This may help prevent intestinal cancer, as waste is removed from the body quicker and there is less time for toxins to accumulate, says the Cleveland Clinic. Eating foods high in fiber may also reduce the risk of hemorrhoids and diverticular disease -- a condition characterized by painful small pouches in the colon, notes the Mayo Clinic.
Adding Fiber to Your Diet
Adding a fruit high in fiber to every meal and choosing high-fiber fruits as snacks is a good way to fit more fiber into your diet. Increase the fiber content of your diet gradually -- over two to three weeks -- to allow bacteria in your digestive system to comfortably adapt. Adding too much fiber too quickly can cause bloating, abdominal cramps, flatulence and constipation. Drink eight glasses of water each day to help fiber pass through your digestive system, suggests MedlinePlus.