Acidic Vs. Basic Foods
Acidic Foods Versus Basic Foods
Neither acidic nor basic (alkaline) foods are intrinsically unhealthy, as your body requires a balance of both types. The reason for the misconception about acidic foods being unhealthy is that the American diet widely consists of too many acidic foods. Too many acidic foods can cause health problems. Seventy to 80 percent alkaline foods in your diet produces the ideal pH levels for your body.
Benefits of Alkaline Foods
Benefits of alkaline foods are that they aid the assimilation of vitamins and minerals, cleanse the kidneys, increase muscle and joint mobility, regulate blood sugar levels and manage blood pressure.
Acid Forming Foods
Acid-forming foods are mostly animal products such as meat, dairy and eggs. Also, processed foods such as refined grains and sugars, yeast, alcohol, coffee and chocolate are acid-forming. There is often a tendency to categorize certain fruits as acidic, such as citrus fruits. But citrus fruits are alkalizing fruits, as the minerals they contain help to remove hydrogen ions, thus causing the body to alkalize.
Alkaline Forming Foods
Alkaline foods consist of vegetables, nuts, seeds and most fruits. While most grains are acidic, buckwheat, spelt and millet are only slightly acidic. Generally, raw food is less acidic than cooked food.