Kinds of Pears
Pears - Nutrition Value
Pears are rich in nutrients. A medium-sized pear provides approximately 210 milligrams of potassium, which is needed for protein and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as healthy heart and nerve functions. Pears also contain Vitamin C for tissue repair and immune system health. In addition, pears contain dietary fiber, mostly in the form of pectin, to sustain blood sugar levels and aid in regularity. Pears contain fructose and glucose for quick energy and no cholesterol or saturated fat.
Bartlett Pears
Bartlett pears are narrow at the top and widen out to a rounded shape in the bottom half, giving rise to the term "pear shape." Bartlett pears are in season from August to January or February and come in both yellow, which turns to green as it ripens, and red colors. The red Bartlett pears turn from green to medium-red and brownish-red as they ripen. The pear is known for its aroma and juiciness, and is commonly used for canning and baking.
Anjou Pears
Anjou, or "d'Anjou" pears, come in both green and red colors. The Anjou pear is egg-shaped rather than the regular "pear" shape. Anjou pears were named after the Anjou region in France, and were introduced in the U.S. in 1842. They are grown in abundance and available nearly year-round. These pears do not change color when they ripen, but remain green or red. Red Anjou pears originated as naturally occurring transformations on green Anjou trees.
Bosc, Comice and Seckel Pears
Other commercial pear kinds include the Bosc, a yellowish-brown pear with dense flesh and a mildly sweet flavor. Bosc pears are grown on the West Coast of North America, and in Australia and Europe. Comice pears are somewhat egg-shaped like Anjous, but with a red blush in addition to their green color, and are available from August through March in the U.S. Seckel pears are small and usually contain more red skin than green skin.
Asian Pears
Asian pears come in numerous commercial varieties, and are the oldest cultivated pears in the world. Asian pears are sometimes called "apple pears," as their round shape and firm texture are reminiscent of apples. Grown in Japan, China and other regions of Asia, as well as on the U.S. West Coast, these juicy and sweet-tasting pears range in color from yellow to green-yellow to brown, and are best eaten fresh as opposed to being used in cooking.