How to Calculate RDA in Nutrition
Things You'll Need
- Computer
- Internet
- Printer
Launch your Internet browser and navigate to a Web site that provides RDA values. Web sites such as the United States Department of Agriculture and Diet & Fitness Today are particularly helpful because they calculate personal RDAs based on information you give about your gender, age, height, weight and exercise activity.
Type your personal details in the boxes provided. The details you give will determine your personal RDA so make sure the information is accurate and correct. Most RDA calculators will ask for your age, height and weight.
Insert a value for your physical activity from the drop-down menu. Choose between values such as very active, active and sedentary. Be honest. Your RDA is calculated for your benefit, so even if you exercise less often than you think you should, your RDA will let you know how to keep a balanced diet.
Check the boxes of the fields you want to calculate an RDA for. Some sites will automatically reveal everything for you but others let you tailor your results just for calories or specific vitamins. Confirm your selection and view your results by clicking the "Calculate" button.
Look at your personalized results. You can check how many calories you should be consuming per day as well as specific values for vitamins, minerals and macronutrients such as fat, carbohydrates, protein and fiber.
Print off the page if you would like a copy of your results. Stick the results to the fridge in your kitchen if you need a reminder of your RDA before every meal.