How to Get More Iron Through Food
Things You'll Need
- Vegetables
- Grains
- Meats
- Fruits
Finding Iron In Foods
The same amount of iron is found in 100 calories of spinach as 1700 calories of iron. Choose vegetables that are known to have high levels of iron. One cup of cooked soy beans has 8.8 milligrams. Other good sources are spinach, beet greens, sweet potatoes, peas, collards, kale and broccoli, to name a few.
Eating whole wheat breads is an easy way to add iron to your diet. Find grains and bread sources that are naturally high in iron. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health, one cup of fortified oatmeal has 60 percent of your daily recommended value. Other good sources include enriched white bread, whole wheat bread, wheat products, bran cereals, corn meal, cream of wheat and rye breads.
Stir frys are a great way to integrate shrimp into your diet. Add seafood to a diet that is high in iron by choosing options such as shrimp, mackerel, sardines, oysters, haddock, clams, scallops or tuna. Seafood and meat contain heme iron, which is only found in animal tissue. This helps the body absorb iron. According to The American Red Cross, your body absorbs about 30 percent of heme iron.
Chicken liver contains 70 percent of the daily recommnded value of iron. Add meats to your diet that are both lean and healthy, but also high in iron. The best sources for iron are liver, liverwurst, beef, lamb, ham, turkey, veal and chicken. For the more adventurous eaters, these animals' hearts, kidneys and brains are also excellent sources of iron.
A popular summer treat, watermelon is a great way to add iron to your diet. Don't skip the fruit aisle when you hit the grocery store. Contrary to popular belief, some fruits are actually great sources of iron. Prunes, watermelon, dried apricots or peaches, strawberries, dates, and figs all contain iron.
Maple syrup contains 20 percent of the daily recommended amount of iron. Make sure you stock up on these other foods that are considered a good source of iron: eggs of any kind, dried beans and peas, corn syrup, maple syrup or molasses, and lentils.