How to Figure Out Fat Percentage
Things You'll Need
- Assistant
- Body fat calipers
- Body fat caliper chart
- Calculator
- Ruler
Grab the fat located behind the tricep. Grab enough fat to measure with the calipers without hurting the subject. Of course, the amount you grab depends on how fat or lean the subject is.
Place the fat fold inside the prongs of the calipers. Adjust the caliper so the prongs rest gently on both sides. Record the finding. This measurement is the thickness of the fat fold.
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for the following locations: waist, bicep and shoulder blade. Record your findings for all measurements taken.
Add all four measurements together. The sum of the measurements is the most important number in the calculation, so make sure to double-check your math.
Use the sum to locate your body fat percentage on a body fat caliper chart. These charts, which come with the calipers, indicate your body fat based on the measurements, sex and age. Use your finger, ruler or any other straightedge tool to ensure all the numbers line up on the same rows and columns on the chart. Use your body fat percentage to formulate an appropriate diet and exercise routine.