What Is the Difference in Nutrition for Infants Than Other Stages of Life?
Infant - Less Than One Year
Babies need nutrients more at this time than any other stage because of the rapid growth taking place inside the infant's body. Growth rate is a big concern at this time of life; if a baby isn't growing fast enough he may need to spend time in the hospital. Infants can only digest liquids for the first six months. If the child will not take breast milk, use a formula and keep a careful watch on the child's weight and height to make sure he is gaining weight and growing properly.
Toddler - More than 12 months old to 3 years
Begin feeding toddlers hardier and more flavorful foods like fish and nuts. Infants derive nutrients from bland, mostly liquid food, but now is the time to start to experiment with a child's taste buds. Take it one new food at a time, though, because these types of foods can cause allergic reactions.
Premature Babies
Preemies are babies who did not stay in the womb for the full term of 37 to 42 weeks. As a result these babies are more prone to disease and growth defects. Premature babies can be too immature to feed directly from a bottle or breast, so getting proper nutrition and enough liquids into their diet can be hard. Premature babies can develop an intestinal infection if they drink too quickly; additionally, preemies need calcium and phosphorus to help with rapid growth.
Benefits of Breast Feeding
Breast milk or formula helps keep infants on the proper growth track. Breast milk is full of protein, fats, immune boosters and hormones. Breast feeding also helps develop an emotional attachment between the mother and child, as well as physiological and psychological development. Breast feeding babies prevents obesity and helps grow healthy teeth and stronger bones as well.