Foods That Boost Memory
Cruciferous Vegetables
Broccoli and cauliflower Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, cabbage and bok choy, are some of the best vegetables to eat if you are trying to retain your memory. These fruits are high in the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to maintain its functions, including memory. Consider making Brussel sprouts as a side dish to go with your main meal. Choose broccoli instead of french fries when you eat at a restaurant. Prepare corned beef cabbage for your next meal. Making healthy choices that include cruciferous vegetables every day can help you retain your memory.
Leafy Green Vegetables
A plate of spinach makes a great memory-boosting side dish to any meal. Leafy green vegetables are another great source of the vitamins and minerals that your brain requires to keep your memory as efficient as possible. Luckily, it's relatively simple to get enough leafy green vegetables in your diet every day. Spinach, collard and mustard green are all great options to make a salad with instead of using simple iceberg lettuce that lacks many of the nutrients in these leafy green vegetables. Kale and Swiss chard are some other good options for getting leafy green vegetables into your diet.
Blueberries not only help memory but also improve balance and coordination lost with age. Anthocyanin is a phytochemical that is found naturally occurring in many fruits and vegetables, but its presence is especially high in berries. The phytochemical anthocyanin has been shown to actually reverse memory loss in some people, making it a great food option for those who are looking to boost their memory. Choose strawberries, blueberries or blackberries as a delicious midday snack. These foods are best if eaten fresh, but don't be afraid to have a slice of blackberry pie if that's the only way you can enjoy your berries.
Fish, such as salmon and tuna, contain omega 3 fatty acids, which can help boost your memory. Fish comes in a variety of types and flavors and is great for boosting memory. Fish oil has been found to reverse memory loss. Luckily, there are so many options of fish for people to try that everyone is sure to find at least one type of fish they can enjoy. Choose fish instead of red meat for dinner at least once a week. Go out to a seafood restaurant instead of a burger joint. It's all about making healthy choices when you are trying to boost your memory.