Foods for the Dosha Vata
Balance The Dosha Vata
Indulge in dairy products to balance the Vata constitution. Requiring a heavy dairy and spicy, textured diet to remain healthy, the dosha vata is easily overwhelmed when out of sync with the universe. Based on diagnostic tools, the dosha is a metabolic body type similar to the mesomorph, ectomorph and endomorth of the North American health system. Ayurvedic medicine created the vata, pitta and kapha body type. The vata body is that of a slender person with cool, dry skin. Signs of imbalance include sleeping problems, anxiety and skin disorders as well as ulcers and bloating. The dosha vata body requires warm and satisfying foods to restore health and vigor to the body.
Dairy Products
Healthy, heavy textured foods warm the the space and air elements. Eat a wide variety of dairy products including cheeses, creams, butter and warm milk. Adding these products to warm breakfast foods like oatmeal or porridge will heat the air and space elements of the dosha vata. These soothing foods all settle the vata, warm the skin and reduce digestive difficulties. Breakfast is important and serves the vata best when it is warm, sweet and milky. In addition, eat rice pudding, tapiocas and grits with fresh fruit. Cook raw oatmeal with dark brown sugar and add fruits and nuts. To maintain health, the vata constitution should avoid caffeinated beverages that can disrupt the digestive system and injure the stomach lining.
Warm Foods
Warm and spicy foods with cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, ginger and clove help aid digestion and balance stomach acids. Soups and stews made from poultry, pork, lamb and fish are best; the vata dosha does not process red meat. Hot cereal and fresh baked breads stabilize the metabolism of the vata body type. The unbalanced vata metabolism thrives on Mexican and Indian foods cooked in hot oils. Heavy, textured foods restore harmony between the body and the mind of the overworked and overwhelmed vata personality. Warm, spicy black bean soup with ham, asparagus and onions sautéed in butter, sweet potatoes, homemade bread and apples in warm cream and honey bring energy and vitality back to the dosha vata.
Fruits and Nuts
This cold, dry dosha needs herbal tea. Sweet fruits and oily nuts lubricate the bony joints and provide energy to the fading vata body type. Apricots, bananas, cherries, fresh figs, mangoes and sweet melons accelerate the sluggish constitution. Almonds roasted in spicy and buttery sauces rebuild protein stores, but dry roasted nuts should be avoided. Add baked figs and honey, mango and sweet melon smoothies and cherries to mid-day foods. Fresh fruits, nuts and homemade breads travel well when the slender and active vata is on the move.