How to Dry Corn Silks
Things You'll Need
- Paper towels
- Scissors or sharp knife
- Plastic baggie
Remove the silk from the corn husk and the cob of corn. It is difficult to remove all of the silk from the cob, however, once you have pulled off all you can, wrap your hand around the cob and rotate the cob with your palm rubbing the surface of the cob, rubbing the remaining silk off.
Separate the silks by hand as much as possible so that they do not remain in clumps.
Spread the separated corm silks on sheets of paper towels and place the sheets where they will not be disturbed for three to four days.
Dry the silks on their paper towels for three to four days, until the silks feel dry to the touch. Cut the silks into small pieces using a sharp pair of scissors or a sharp cutting knife and place the pieces of dried silk into a plastic baggie and seal it. Place the baggie in the refrigerator, where your dried corn silks should remaining good for up to one year.