Reasons for Craving Sweets

Sweet cravings can occur at any time of the day. Sometimes reasons for craving sweets are hormonal, and other times sugar cravings are just a side effect of a habit or boredom. Lifestyle changes and discipline can help to combat these cravings. However, if you find that you have persistent sugar cravings, check with your doctor to rule out any health problems such as diabetes.
  1. Stress

    • Stress, as it is defined today, is any abnormal response of a person's body when reacting to change. Examples of this are changes at work, changes in sleep, and changes in lifestyle. Any of these can make you feel tired and lower your adrenaline. Sugar tends to make the body feel energized, so when you are fatigued your body might crave sugar for energy. Seven to eight hours of sleep every night might help combat this craving.


    • Low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets can make the body resistant to insulin. Insulin keeps blood sugar levels at stable rates. If the body becomes insulin-resistant it begins to take every calorie you consume and deposit it as fat. Your brain thinks you need more sugar even though you already have plenty of it. Not only does this result in a sugar craving, it also can lead to weight gain. Appetite suppressants can have a similar effect of a sugar craving.


    • Serotonin is an essential hormone for keeping up your spirits. When serotonin is low, depression tends to set in. Low serotonin can be caused by a hormone imbalance or fatigue, or changes in lifestyle. Sugar gives a temporary burst to low serotonin levels. When the body is low on serotonin, you might crave sugar to improve your mood and general well-being. However, sugar raises the serotonin level for only a short time, and then your body may begin to crave more sugar and more carbohydrates.

    Habit and Environment

    • If you grew up in a household in which desserts were a routine, then craving sugar might be a habit as familiar to you as fruit and vegetables. Another trigger for craving sweets is the constant bombardment of commercials and advertising, especially while watching TV. Your mind begins to relax and boredom sets in. Sugar can sometimes produce a quick high and provide temporary relief from boredom.

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