Acid, Alkaline & Neutral Foods
Too much acidity in the diet can lead to bacterial growth, and is linked to conditions such as Candida, fungal infections and parasites. The aim is to keep your urine at a pH of between 4.6 and 8. If you often feel sluggish, or suffer conditions such as heartburn or GERD, speak to a doctor or nutritionist about adding more alkaline foods to your diet.
You can usually tell when foods are highly acidic, as they taste sour or vinegary. Foods of pH 3.7 and under are considered highly acidic, per Clemson University's Food Safety, including lemons, berries, rhubarb, vinegar and pickled vegetables. Tomatoes, pineapples and pears have a slightly lower acidity of between 3.7 and 4.5. Foods considered low-acidity include pasta, spinach, green beans and pumpkin, ranging from 4.6 to 5.3. Meats, seafood and dairy produce are considered to have very low acidity, with a pH of 5.4 and over.
Fresh green vegetables, fresh starch products such as potatoes, sea vegetables, sprouted grains, nuts, herbs, sprouts, cereals and cold-pressed oils are all examples of alkaline foods. By changing your diet so that about 75 percent of your food is alkaline and 25 percent is acidic, you stave off many debilitating health conditions, according to the Wolfe Clinic.
Most foods fall either side of the line, but tap water, bananas, fish, melon, watermelon and brown rice are considered neutral. If you follow an alkaline diet, these foods should be eaten sparingly, but in a normal diet, they are not only safe, but also healthy to eat in normal quantities.