How to Clean the Crystalline Lens With Natural Herbs

Learning how to clean your crystalline lenses can make the difference between reliable eyesight and your eyes becoming shrouded with a layer of blinding mist. According to the Ted Montgomery website, which specializes in biology information, the crystalline lenses, which are located behind the iris, have four layers: the capsule, the cortex, the nucleus and the subcapsular epithelium. The four layers make up the surface of the actual eye. Eating specific foods can help clear and clean your lenses.

Things You'll Need

  • Garlic cloves
  • Pumpkin flowers
  • Juicer
  • Raw carrots
  • Fresh carrot juice
  • Almonds
  • Mortar
  • Pestle
  • Pepper
  • Water
  • Sugar
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    • 1

      Peel and eat two to three cloves of garlic daily. Chew the garlic slowly to soak up all of the nutrients and to ensure that you do not chip your teeth on the garlic's hard shell. The garlic will begin to clean your crystalline lenses after a week.

    • 2

      Remove the flowers from a pumpkin, and extract the juice with a food processor or juicer. With normal juicers, put the flower into the juicing tube, and wait for the flower to turn into juice on the other side of the machine. Apply the juice to your eyelids twice daily to stop the clouding within your crystalline lenses.

    • 3

      Eat two to three raw carrots daily, or drink two glasses of fresh carrot juice, to help the treatment of dirty cataracts or crystallize lenses.

    • 4

      Grind seven to eight almonds with a mortar and pestle. Place 1/2 g of pepper and 1/2 cup of water in the mortar. Add 1 tsp. of sugar to the mixture if the taste is bitter. This solution will help strengthen your eyes.

    • 5

      Start eating healthier foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, seeds and nuts. Healthy foods are packed with nutrients that can help clean your crystallize lens and improve your eyesight. Stay away from white bread, cream, refined sugar, puddings and alcoholic beverages.

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