What Kind of Berry Is Acai Berry?
What is the Acai Berry?
The acai berry is similar to a grape in appearance. It is about an inch long and is a red-purple color. The acai berry comes from Central and South America, where it grows on the acai palm tree. The acai berry is harvested only twice a year, at which time natives will climb up the tall acai palm trees and cut down the branches. The acai berries must be quickly shipped off, as they only have a 24 hour lifespan after harvesting.
The antioxidants in acai berries are called anthocyanins and flavonoids. These help to defend the body against stress, which is why many people believe these berries have health benefits. Antioxidants are known as the body's protection against free radicals. Free radicals are formed by the body when atoms with an odd number of electrons start a chain reaction which interferes with parts of cells, such as their DNA, which means that the cells either function poorly or die. Damage from free radicals can be a contributing factor to the development of heart disease and cancer. Acai berries also contain fiber and heart-healthy fats.
Possible Benefits
The benefits of the acai berry have not been fully researched, though some people feel that the acai berry can be extremely helpful. Acai berries may help reduce the risk of getting cancer or heart disease. There are also claims that acai berries can help with arthritis, high cholesterol and weight loss. As this fruit contains many nutrients, it may also help to maintain general health.
Acai Berry Products
The pulp of the acai berry is what contains the nutrients, and this pulp is used in many different products. Acai berries can be purchased in their pure form, in pill form, or in different beverage products. More and more food products are created with acai berries n their ingredients. Acai oil is also being used in skin care products, for its antioxidant and antiaging effects.