Chemical Components of Eggplant
Main Components
One cup of cooked eggplants (weighing 99 grams) will contain mostly water; about 91 grams. The next highest component is 6.6 grams of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are organic chemicals containing only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and are usually a combination of starches and sugars. About 4 grams of the eggplant carbohydrates are sugars. Other major components are fiber (2.5 grams) and protein (0.8 grams) and fat (0.2 grams).
Eggplant contains a very wide variety of both vitamins and minerals. Vitamins in eggplant include A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, and E as well as folate and pantothenic acid.
Elements and minerals
The elements and minerals found in eggplant are boron, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, selenium and zinc.
Other Components
Eggplant also contains traces of various other compounds of interest. It has some oxalates, which are organic acids that can combine with calcium to form crystalline solids. For this reason, there could be concerns regarding the consumption of large amount of eggplant by people with kidney or gallbladder ailments. As well, eggplant has high levels of the potent antioxidant chlorogenic acid and also contains the chemical nasunin, another antioxidant which has shown promise in promoting cardiovascular health.