Foods That Are Acidic
The most acidic fruits are plums, prunes and all types of berries, in particular cranberries--which is why cranberry juice is good for people suffering from cystitis as the acidity kills the bacteria that causes it. Apples, peaches and pears also are acidic. Certain fruits become acidic when canned, as acid often is added to preserve them, such as in the case of tomatoes and figs. A common misconception is that citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges are acidic, however, they leave an alkaline residue after digestion.
Wine is highly acidic, and if you have been recommended a low-acidic diet, you will most certainly need to cut down on it. Sweet wines are generally less acidic but should still be approached with caution. Beer and other forms of alcohol also are high in acid, wine being one of the worst offenders. Essentially, anything fermented will be acidic, so that includes beer and vinegar.
Turkey, chicken and lamb are fairly acidic meats, but pork and beef produce the highest levels of acidity in the body. As opposed to citrus fruits, meats are very alkaline, but they produce a lot of acid during digestion.
Oysters, shellfish and fish generally are very acidic. Freshwater fish are slightly less so, therefore, if you're on an alkaline diet you can eat salmon, trout and eel sparingly.