Dannon Activia Ingredients
Active Cultures
L. Bulgarius, L. Thermophilus and Bifidus Regularis are types of "probiotic cultures," the active ingredients in Dannon Activia. Probiotic cultures are bacteria that survive passage down into the stomach, and settle there to "fight" bacteria in the stomach. Generally, probiotics improve digestive health by doing two things -- cutting down the inflammation in your stomach and keeping the natural gut flora in balance.
Sodium Citrate
Sodium citrate is used widely as an additive, and is classified as completely safe, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest. It acts as a type of buffer, controlling the acidity of foods. Also known as citric acid, Dannon uses it to enhance the flavor of yogurt by controlling its acidity.
Dannon Activa contains two kinds of sugar: sugar and fructose. Fructose is sweeter than sugar, but both sweeteners are naturally occurring. Sugar is taken from sugar cane, while fructose is found naturally in fruits and honey. There have been some documented cases of fructose intolerance, where individuals have a difficult time tolerating and digesting fructose. Those who have that intolerance should avoid Activia, as well as sodas, high fructose corn syrup and table sugar. Symptoms of fructose intolerance could be bloating, diarrhea, gas and abdominal pain.
Kosher Gelatin
According to the Dannon website, gelatin is used to provide consistency and texture to yogurt. Gelatin also helps to enhance product flavor and aroma, while providing a creamy sensation. Dannon Activia uses gelatin from cattle instead of from pork, allowing Dannon Activia to be certified as a Kosher product. Vegetarians should take notice that some gelatin is made from agar, but Dannon's gelatin is always sourced from animals.
Cornstarch/Modified Cornstarch
Taken from corn, cornstarch is used as a thickening agent, while modified cornstarch has been changed slightly from the original form of cornstarch to modify the texture of products. Cornstarch can thicken products, help protect them from heat and assist in binding products together.
Malic Acid
Malic acid is a naturally occurring additive found in apples, bananas, cherries, pears and tomatoes. Acid can prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in yogurt, which is very important for keeping a controlled environment like in Dannon Activia. In a description of its ingredients, Dannon mentions that it uses malic acid to balance out the tartness of yogurt.