Foods That Attract Parasites and Plaque
Mucoid Plaque
Some medical professionals believe mucoid plaque builds up in the intestines of those who do not eat a diet primarily made up of cleansing foods, such as vegetables. If your diet is filled with processed foods, refined flour, pasteurized milk and junk foods, you may have plaque buildup in your intestines. Those who promote colon cleansing also believe excessive use of antibiotics leads to a buildup of plaque. Avoiding fast foods, such as French fries, low-quality meats and foods high in fat, helps your colon perform at its optimum ability.
Parasites and plaque are considered partners in crime. The more plaque a person has, the likelier she is to have parasites living in her intestine. Parasites thrive on foods left in the colon after bowel movements, a concern for those with diets high in processed foods. If you eat foods that contain parasites, such as pork, beef and fish, the parasites latch onto the plaque and continue living in your intestines. Cooking meats thoroughly is the best way to kill parasites before they enter your system, but this does not always work. Remember though, cooking beef to the point of charring may release carcinogens, which can lead to cancerous cell growth in your body.
How to Know if You Have a Problem
Promoters of colon cleanses believe plaque and parasites are the cause of a variety of medical conditions. If you are suffering from bloating and gas, bad breath, fatigue, blemished skin and constipation, you may have a buildup of parasites feeding on plaque in your system. Other health conditions sometimes associated with buildup include back pain, allergies, blurred vision, colitis, diabetes, heartburn, indigestion, migraines, obesity and insomnia.
Colon cleanses may flush your system of a buildup of plaque and parasites, but if it's done improperly, it can be dangerous. If you are planning to cleanse, speak with your doctor about the risks. If she believes cleansing would be beneficial, start with a gentle cleanse that usually includes herbal teas, lemon juice and plenty of leafy green vegetables. Drink plenty of water during your cleanse to avoid dehydration. If you are not ready for a full-blown cleanse, eliminate some of the processed foods thought to cause plaque buildup from your diet.