Emergency List of Staple Foods to Store
Canned Foods
Canned foods are some of the best types of foods to store during an emergency because they have a long shelf life. Store canned beans, fruits, vegetables, soups, meats and foods like sugar, salt, pepper and instant coffee.
High Energy Foods
Store high energy foods like peanut butter, jelly, nuts, trail mix, protein bars and granola bars. These types of foods are high in calories, protein and carbohydrates, making them useful energy sources in case of an emergency.
Fruits and Vegetables
Since fruits and vegetables are perishable, choose foods that store well, and keep them in a cool, dark storage space. Examples include potatoes, apples, dried fruits and vegetables and canned tomatoes.
Many dry staple food grains such as rice, wheat, flour and corn meal can be stored for extended periods of time. Store these types of items in a cool, dry location.
"Add Water" Storage Foods
There are also several types of foods to store that you can eat by adding water. These include instant oatmeal, dry milk, powdered drink mixes, dried soups, bouillon cubes or powder and instant rice and potatoes.
In addition to storing staple foods, store at least a two-week supply of water. Ensure your water is sealed in air-tight containers.