How to Eat More Protein to Gain Muscle Mass
Increase your overall calorie consumption and consume more protein only as part of a well-balanced diet including fruits, whole grains, fish, vegetables and carbohydrates. Protein should make up only about 15 to 20 percent of your total dietary intake.
Consume foods high in high-quality lean protein to help you effectively gain muscle mass. These foods include skinless chicken breast, tofu, beans, nuts, peas, fish, low-fat dairy products and lean cuts of beef.
Eat more meals per day or consume snacks between meals. Significantly increasing the amount of calories you consume per day may not be feasible with just two or three meals. Healthy snacks that are high in protein include low-fat milk shakes, tuna sandwiches made with wholemeal bread and nuts.
Avoid proteins high in saturated fat such as full-fat diary products, meats with visible excess fat, sausages, butter and cream. These foods contribute to high cholesterol levels and increase the possibility of heart problems.
Combine a diet high in protein with an increase in exercise in order to gain muscle mass. Eating more protein without increasing the amount of exercise you take increases body fat but does not help you gain muscle mass.
Rest at least eight hours a day. Protein only helps your body repair muscle tissue, and hence build muscle mass, when you are resting.