Healthy Snack Choices for Kids
Fruits and Veggies
Snack time is more fun when everyone helps out. Nutritionists, doctors and the USDA agree that fruits and veggies are essential for healthy living and can help prevent obesity, heart disease and even cancer (See References 2, page 38). Pairing fruits and veggies with healthy dips is a great way to get children excited about healthier snack choices. Be careful, though; dips such as ranch dressing can be full of saturated fats and preservatives. Instead of ranch, try dipping veggies in hummus, bean dip or a lighter vinegar-based dressing. For fruit, try sprinkling a little cinnamon or dipping slices in natural peanut butter or yogurt.
Quick and Healthy
Have your kids choose their favorite trail mix ingredients. Some days, convenience wins over nutrition, so when kids need a snack and preparing something fresh is not an option, there are alternatives.
Skip the granola bars with chocolate chips and tons of sugar and choose varieties with fruit, nuts, and whole grains.
Instead of sugary premade varieties of trail mix, make up a batch of your own once a week. Avoid including too much dried fruit, though, which is often packed with sugar.
Pick natural types of popcorn and skip the butter.
Whole Grains
Teach your kids to love whole grains. Use whole grains, which are higher in fiber and nutritional value than refined grains such as white bread and pasta. Make mini-pizzas on whole wheat bagels or opt for whole wheat pita chips with hummus. Easy snacks such as pretzels and tortilla chips come in whole wheat varieties too.
Go Organic
Organic produce is better for your family and better for the planet. Most grocery stores carry organic varieties of everything from crackers to string cheese. Products labeled "organic" are grown and processed more naturally, meaning that kids won't be eating the pesticides, preservatives, hormones and other chemicals that are found in so many foods.
Organic fruits and veggies can be expensive, so choose organic varieties only on produce that you don't peel before eating or that have thin peels. Buying nonorganic bananas or melon, for example, is a safe option because they have thick skins that keep harmful pesticides from getting to the edible portion.