Diet Tips for Fussy Eaters
Portion Control
If you consider yourself a fussy or picky eater, it can feel difficult to stick with a strict diet plan. If you would like to incorporate customized foods to suit your own taste buds or even some of your favorite foods, you can do so while exercising proper portion control. Diet books at libraries and bookstores guide and provide resources and recipes as well as portion charts for each type of food. Alternatively, websites such as WebMD's Portion Size Plate and the Mayo Clinic provide tools and information on the specifics of portion size.
Releasing Restrictions
Although it is important to stick with a routine diet and nutrition plan as much as possible, it is also important to not restrict yourself entirely from foods you enjoy. Too much restriction within a diet may cause binging and overeating, resulting in quitting the diet. You can set rewards for reaching certain weight-loss goals, while sticking with proper portion control still.
Alternatives and Replacements
Foods today come in fat-free, gluten-free, and even sugar-free alternatives to help improve your overall eating habits and lifestyle. Try alternatives to some of your favorite foods that you wish to continue incorporating into your daily diet. You can try different brands of fat-free foods of your choice, and choosing snack-size food will save you money while testing out a variety of alternative food brands. Fat-free, sugar-free, and gluten-free products are available at national grocery stores, so there is no need to go out of your way to eat healthier.
Mixing Healthy and Delicious
Stick to eating as much unprocessed foods as possible, such as keeping vegetables and fruits in your diet to replace sugary and starchy snacks. When you have a craving for potato chips or one of your own comfort food choices and it simply will not go away, do not replace it with overeating other foods, as this does not resolve the craving. Instead, it is okay to treat yourself to comfort food occasionally in smaller portions. Simply mix additional foods -- vegetables, fruits, and whole grains -- to your portion of comfort food to ensure you are still eating within a healthy calorie and fat range.