What Kinds of Foods Should Female Athletes Avoid?
Fast Food
Fast food is processed, low in nutrition and an overall poor choice for athletes. The menu items that do sound like a nutritious choice remain low in vitamins and minerals like calcium and iron. These minerals are important for female athletes and a deficiency can cause low energy and cramping. Fast foods also tend to be excessively high in sodium. Sodium is necessary in small doses, but the large quantities in most fast foods will cause water retention and a slowed metabolic rate.
Processed Sugar
Natural sugar from fruits and vegetables are excellent for female athletes. The processed sugars found in many sports drinks, soda, candy, baked goods and starchy breads are energy killers. These sugars may give a temporary energy boost, but overall you become slow and fatigued. Focus on natural sugars, and choose regular water and natural juices that are rich in vitamins and minerals, instead of sugary sports drinks.
Fatty Foods
Natural fats from nuts and fish are excellent for joint lubrication, healing from injuries and for energy. The processed fats found in fried food and preserved foods should be avoided, as they are slow to process and they steal energy from your performance. Your body will be too busy processing the saturated fats to give you maximum energy. Avoid fatty processed foods like potato chips, candy bars, baked goods, pastries and fried foods.
Starchy Foods
Starchy foods are commonly used by athletes in the belief that a high level of carbohydrates will boost performance. However, starchy foods like white bread and white noodles do not translate into high energy. But their whole grain counterparts do. Whole grain foods also contain more minerals and vitamins, which can prevent cramping and deficiencies. Whole grain foods are also effective at maintaining a healthy level of iron in female athletes. Women often experience iron deficiencies because of a poor diet or from blood loss during menstruation.