The Effects of Unbalanced Diets in Children
Childhood obesity can result from an unbalanced diet. Obesity can cause problems with children such as heart disease, back problems and joint problems and poor circulation. All of these issues is treatable but can be avoided with a balanced diet. Besides maintaining an unhealthy diet, obese children are more likely to be obese adults. Your pediatrician will be able to recommend a diet for your child to help her maintain a healthy weight.
A non-nutritious diet can lead to various illnesses that will create problems for the child or possibly death. Cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes have been linked to obesity in children as a result from an unhealthy diet. Children might incur respiratory problems, some developing asthma and sleep apnea. Cardiovascular problems can include high blood pressure and damage to the heart and arteries. If the child does not experience obesity because of an unhealthy diet, the child could still experience these issues along with a slower metabolism.
A child's diet will affect his mood in a positive or negative way. Mood changes can affect the child's ability to concentrate at home or at school, leading to poor grades and misbehavior. An unbalanced diet will cause a crabby child. Psychological issues might arise from an unbalanced diet by creating emotional eating, anxiety and depression, which might carry into adulthood. Children should avoid caffeine and drink plenty of water and milk.
There are several causes of an unbalanced diet in children. Watching too much TV can lead to excessive snacking or drinking sugary sodas. Lack of exercise and motivation along with poor food choices at home or school can lead to poor eating habits. Encourage children to eat right by giving them healthy options to snack on, keeping the refrigerator full of foods that are good for them instead of sugary and salty snacks.