Children's Lactose-Free Diets
Milk Alternatives
Most grocery stores carry lactose-free milk or milk alternatives, such as soy milk, rice milk or almond milk. Look for products that are fortified with calcium. These milk alternatives can be used as a drink or on cereal. Frozen desserts made from soy milk, rice milk or almond milk also provide calcium.
Nutrition/Calcium Drinks
Companies are now making some energy or nutrition drinks with a soy base. Some fortified orange juices have 165 milligrams of calcium per half cup. Protein powders are now also made from soy, rice and even hemp. Some of these powders are virtually tasteless so you can blend them with fruit to make different types of smoothies or shakes.
Calcium Rich Foods
One cup of soy has 319 mg of calcium and is quite versatile. You may buy soy as milk, tofu, tempeh and miso. Some vegetarian burgers and hot dogs are also made with soy, making it an easy addition to a child's diet. Green vegetables, including turnip greens, bok choy, kale and broccoli, have high amounts of calcium. Some cheeses that have a low lactose count---Swiss cheese, mature cheddar cheese and cottage cheese---are rich in calcium.
Calcium Supplements
Children should get between 800 and 1,300 milligrams of calcium per day. If your child is not getting the necessary calcium through her diet, add a daily organic calcium supplement. Choose calcium that is easily dissolved and avoid taking it with acid blockers. If your child is also supplementing with iron, give her a calcium supplement two hours before or after the iron supplement. Do not mix the two together.