How to Fuel Muscle Growth
Check the protein levels in your diet. Protein is the foundation from which you build muscle. There are 20 amino acids found in protein, and they cannot be made by your body. Nine of these amino acids are known as essential amino acids. Only a proper diet will ensure you get all of the amino acids that you need. Add protein to every meal you eat. Eggs, milk and meat are obvious foods that contain the essential proteins your muscles need. Beans and nuts also provide protein.
Add healthy carbohydrates to your diet. Carbohydrates give you energy to sustain you during the workouts. Whole grain breads, oatmeal, lentils, whole wheat pasta and brown rice are examples of slow-burning carbohydrates you will want to add to your diet that are helpful in providing fuel to your muscles.
Eat six meals a day that contain 50 percent protein, 30 percent carbohydrates and 20 percent fat. These numbers will help you have balanced meals throughout the day. Eating six times a day will give you the energy you need to work out and build strong, healthy muscles. Fruits, vegetables and grain can be used to make of the portions of protein, carbohydrates and fat that you need for each meal. Additionally, they contain nutrients your body needs to perform. Cut down on sugar and alcohol.
Schedule one small meal one hour before your workout to fuel your muscles. You will want to eat slow-burning carbohydrates, fast-burning carbohydrates and protein before you hit the gym. Examples of slow burning carbohydrates are brown rice, whole wheat pasta and long grain white rice. Consume 20 to 40 grams of slow-burning carbohydrates before a workout. Oranges, apples and bananas are examples of fast-burning carbohydrates. Eat just one type of fast-burning carbohydrate before a workout. Additionally, you will want to eat a source of protein prior to a workout. Egg whites, turkey, skim milk and chicken are examples of protein to add to your pre-workout meal. However, you can drink a whey protein shake as a substitute for these foods.
Eat 30 to 60 minutes after your workout. Eating solid food after you work out can slow down metabolism, so consider making a post-workout shake using protein and dextrose powder. Dextrose acts as a carbohydrate, fueling your body post workout. Protein helps repair and grow your muscles. Shakes are easier for your body to digest, and you can bring them to the gym with you. Just add water and the shake is ready.
Drink plenty of water. Drink one or two gallons of water a day to replenish the fluids you lost during exercising. If you do not drink enough water, your body will become dehydrated, which is not ideal if you desire to gain muscle.
Add time into your schedule for sleep and rest. Muscle growth takes place when you are resting. Get at least eight hours of sleep each night. While you are sleeping, your body releases growth hormones that help build muscle. Naps do count, so add one after your workout if you can.