High Nutrient Foods List
Apricots have beta-carotene which promotes healthy eyesight. Fruits like apricots, avocados, raspberries, cantaloupe, cranberries, tomatoes, raisins, figs, and lemons and limes all contain vital nutrients that promote good health in the body. Fruits like apricots and figs are packed with fiber, assisting in colon health. Apricots, raspberries, cantaloupe, raisins, and figs are full of beta-carotene which helps prevent macular degeneration of the eye and improves overall eye health. Some fruits are thought to prevent certain types of cancer and heart disease. Raspberries help to prevent both by slowing the growth of cancer cells and regulating cholesterol. Lemons and limes also contain cancer reducing nutrients. Tests have shown tomatoes may help prevent prostate cancer in men. Cranberries have an unusual make-up that keeps bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract, thus reducing the risk of urinary tract and bladder infections in women.
Onions are packed with powerful antioxidants. Vegetables, like onions, are full of a strong antioxidant called quercitin which helps prevent several different kinds of cancers. Broccoli has also been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Other cancer-preventing veggies include spinach, bok choy, artichokes, squash, and garlic. Vegetables like spinach and squash contain beta-carotene, which helps reduce the risk of macular degeneration and promote healthy eyesight. Lower cholesterol with vegetables like artichokes and broccoli, which contain high amounts of fiber--also supporting the digestive system.
Nuts and Grains
Quinoa is rare in most kitchens but is a source of protein. Found in breads, cereals and even snack mixes, nuts and grains are nutritious. Quinoa, though not commonly found in many households, contains many helpful benefits and can be found in your local health food store. It is full of protein, iron and magnesium and can be sprinkled over cereal, fruit or cooked to add a nutty flavor to a dish. Other sources of magnesium, which promotes muscle health, include wheat germ, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and brown rice. Grains like lentils, barley, pinto beans, and buckwheat help improve heart function and prevent cardiovascular disease. Lentils are also known to prevent hormonal cancers in women.
Shrimp is high in nutritional value, preventing heart disease. Seafood has more nutritional value than other sources of meat. Shellfish like clams, muscles and shrimp have high preventive qualities concerning heart disease. Containing the powerful vitamin B12, shellfish also promote brain function and health. Shellfish are also high in other important nutrients such as iron and magnesium. Salmon is packed with omega 3 fatty acid, which also reduces the risk of heart disease and improves brain function. Crab has immune system-boosting qualities found in vitamin B12 and zinc.