Foods Quickly Digestible to Glucose
Table Sugars, Honey and Syrups
These simple sugars begin to break down the moment they enter the mouth, thanks to digestive enzymes in the saliva. They are easily digested to the fuel glucose and rapidly increase the body's blood sugar level. Any foods that contain these sugars or that are sweet to the taste, such as candy, chocolate, ice cream and cake, have a high glycemic index, meaning they are broken down to glucose very quickly.
Fruits and Vegetables
Some fruits and vegetables have a high glycemic index --- and not always the palatably sweet ones you might expect. Potatoes, for example, are among the vegetables with the highest GI index. Other fruits and vegetables that are quickly broken down to glucose are parsnips, carrots, watermelon and pineapple. The cooking process can have an affect on the digestion of fruits and vegetables. Boiled potatoes, for example, are not considered a high GI food, whereas mashed or fried potatoes are.
With the exception of whole grain and multigrain varieties, most breads fall into the high GI category due to their quick breakdown into glucose. White bread, white rolls and bagels are all examples. The flour used to make baguettes ensures they are the quickest to be broken down to glucose.
Pasta and Rice
Whole wheat pasta has a slower glucose breakdown in comparison with durum wheat, macaroni, rice and white pastas --- all of which fall within the medium to high level on the glycemic index. Glucose is also broken down fairly quickly upon consumption of all rice varieties.
Cornflakes, Rice Krispies and Weetabix or similar varieties all have a very high glycemic index, as does any breakfast cereal with a high sugar content. Brans and oats found in bran flake varieties and porridge offer a slower-releasing source of energy.