Healthy Nutrition Tips
One of the keys to a lasting healthy diet is variety. There is no one food or food group that is more important than another. Include different types of food in your diet. Place emphasis on whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy, unsaturated fats. Variety thwarts boredom in your diet and ensures intake of the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy.
"Everything in moderation" is the classic rule to healthy eating, and for good reason. It is safe to say that if you eat something rich or decadent, but limit the portion and frequency in which it is consumed, you can safely include it in a healthy diet. If you choose nutritious foods most of the time, don't worry when you occasionally indulge -- it's not "cheating" if it does not dominate your diet. Remember that all foods contain calories; portion control will reduce calories and aid in weight loss.
Mindful Eating
Being aware of what, when, how and why you eat will shed light on your eating habits. Mindful eating allows you to tap into your inner hunger cues, helping you to evaluate when to begin eating and, perhaps more importantly, when to stop. Total presence in the moment of the meal and learning how it makes you feel will enable you to enjoy all that you eat.
Small Changes
One major mistake that some people make in altering their eating habits is that they make too many changes at once. Creating attainable benchmarks along the way will make it more likely to attain your goal: a healthy, sustainable diet.