List of Vegetables and the Vitamins They Contain
Asparagus is a great source of vitamin A, C and niacin, providing 905 IU, 6.9 mg and 0.976 mg respectively per 1/2 cup portion when boiled. That equates to almost 20 percent of the Daily Value (DV) of vitamin A, 6.5 percent of vitamin C and 5 percent of niacin. Asparugus also contains 45.5 mcg of vitamin K -- over 50 percent of the DV for healthy adults.
Half a cup of boiled broccoli contains 1,207 IU of vitamin A -- over 20 percent of the DV, and 50.6 mg of vitamin C, or 83 percent of the DV. The same measure of broccoli provides 110 mcg of vitamin K, or 137 percent of the DV, as well as small amounts of vitamin E and B vitamins.
Butternut Squash
Butternut squash contains vitamin A and niacin. One cup of boiled squash contains 22,868 IU of vitamin A -- over 450 percent of the DV and 1.986 mg of niacin, or almost 10 percent of the DV. It also contains vitamin E at 2.64 mg per 1 cup portion, which is over 25 percent of the DV.
Carrots are also a great source of vitamin A , providing 13,286 IU per 1/2 cup; almost three times the recommended DV. This serving will also offer a small amount of vitamin C and niacin.