How to Process Goat's Milk
Things You'll Need
- Candy thermometer
- Double boiler
- Wooden spoon
- Large bowl
Fill the bottom of the double boiler with 2 inches of water.
Pour your goat's milk into the top pot of the double boiler.
Set the candy thermometer on the edge of the top pot. Do not allow the tip of the thermometer to touch the bottom of the pot.
Heat the milk until it reaches 161 degrees. Stir the milk to keep it at 161 degrees and allow the milk to remain at this temperature for 30 seconds.
Fill the large bowl (large enough to fit the top double-boiler pot within it) with 4 to 5 inches of cold water.
Remove the top double-boiler pot from the heat and place it in the bowl. When that water becomes warm, replace it with new, cold water.
Stir the milk while it is cooling to spread it around. Continue to stir and replace the water in the large bowl with cold water until the milk reaches 40 degrees.