Healthy Foods With High Protein
Poultry and fish are healthier than red meat, which is high in saturated fat. Red meat should be eaten in moderation because it can cause degenerative diseases and increase inflammation, which leads to pain, suffering and a number of other health problems.
When shopping for healthy foods high in protein, check the labels for fat content, including saturated fat and trans fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Choose fresh meats over processed ones. Always compare nutrition labels to find the most healthy foods.
Look for boneless, skinless chicken and turkey or take off the skin before cooking. Avoid frying chicken to eliminate extra calories from oil or butter.
Chicken breast has 30 g of protein per 4-ounce serving, 193 calories and 7.6g fat. Purchase chicken that is low fat and skinless. Light meat chicken has 35.1g of protein per 4-ounce serving, 196 calories and 5.1g fat. Dark meat chicken has 31 g of protein per 4-ounce serving, 232 calories and 5.1g fat.
Light meat turkey has 33.9 g of protein per 4-ounce serving, 178 calories and 3.7g fat. Dark meat turkey has 32.4 g of protein per 4-ounce serving, 212 calories and 8.2g fat.
Look for fish high in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish should be baked, rather than fried to avoid extra calories from oil. Avoid extra sauces that also add calories.
Sardines in water have 22 g protein per can, 130 calories and 5 g fat. Salmon has 16.9 g protein per 3-ounce serving, 121 calories and 5.4g fat. Tuna has 16g protein per 1/4 cup, 70 calories and 0 g fat. Halibut has 17.7 g protein per 3-ounce serving, 93 calories and 2 g fat. Mackerel has 15.8 g protein per 3-ounce serving,180 calories and 11.8g fat.
Purchase dry or canned beans and avoid canned chili and baked beans that are higher in calories. Beans can be served as a side or incorporated into a main dish.
Cooked soybeans have 11.1 g protein per 1/2 cup, 127 calories and 5.8 g fat.
Fresh tofu has 10 g protein per 1/2 cup, 94 calories and 5.9 g fat.
Lentil beans have 8.9g protein per 1/2 cup cooked, 115 calories and .4g fat.
Navy beans have 7.9g protein per 1/2 cup cooked, 129 calories and .5g fat.
Black beans have 7.6g protein per 1/2 cup cooked, 113 calories and .5g fat.
Kidney beans have 7.6g protein per 1/2 cup cooked, 112 calories and .4g fat.
Garbanzo have 7.3g protein per 1/2 cup cooked, 134 calories and 2.1g fat.
Lima beans have 7.3g protein per 1/2 cup cooked, 108 calories and .4g fat.
Purchase dairy products that are lowfat or skim.
Lofat cottage cheese has16g protein per 1/2 cup, 90 calories and 1g fat. Lofat milk, lowfat has 11.7 g protein per 1 cup, 121 calories and 4.7 g fat. Skim milk, has 11.8 g protein per 1 cup, 86 calories and .4 g fat. Nonfat yogurt has 13 g protein per 1 cup, 127 calories and .4 g fat. Lofat yogurt has 11.9 g protein per 1 cup, 144 calories and 3.5g fat. Swiss cheese has 8.1g protein per 1 ounce, 107 calories and 7.8 g fat. One large egg has 6.3 g protein, 75 calories and 5.0g fat.