How to Train for Customized Diets

In order to work in the field of customized diets, it is essential to train as a dietitian. The best way to achieve this is by taking an educational course at degree level or higher. A dietitian should be licensed or certified to practice and have general knowledge of a wide variety of diets so he can customize a specific diet for each individual.

Things You'll Need

  • Bachelor's degree
  • Post-graduate degree (recommended)
  • Registered dietitian credential (optional)
  • License or official registration
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      Choose your subjects in high school to reflect your interest to train as a dietitian with your future aim to specialize and practice in customizing diets. The Bureau of Labor Statistics advises high school students to take science, mathematics, health and communication subjects. Studying the right subjects in high school will improve your chances to gain a place on a higher education course of your choice.

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      Apply to take a bachelor's degree course in "dietetics, foods and nutrition" as advised by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. To train as a dietitian, it is also essential to cover subject areas such as the sciences, microbiology, psychology, mathematics, business, economics, sociology and computer science. It helps to choose a course that offers a practical work placement, so that you can undergo practical training on the job. Ideally, your coursework will be within a work environment that specializes in custom diets.

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      Consider further training by specializing in your chosen field of customized diets by taking post-graduate courses that have been approved by the American Dietetic Association. Gaining the highest qualification possible will improve employment prospects and professional credibility. This is especially relevant when working in private practice; you want to gain the trust of prospective clients who require customized diets to aid health and prevent fatality due to bad dietary habits.

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      Contact the Commission on Dietetic Registration of American Dietetic Association to take a further exam to gain a registered dietitian credential after completing your formal educational training. This is not essential, but it will help to validate your training and professional status.

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      Apply for your license to be able to practice with a title as a dietitian. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 33 states in the USA require dietitians to be licensed. Twelve states require a dietitian to be certified, which means undergoing a supervised program to qualify. Contact your local state department to check state regulations regarding licensing and registration and how to obtain it.

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