What Vitamins and Fiber Are In Apples?
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an important part of cardiovascular health. Depending on the apple's size, the apple can range from 7 mg to 8.6 mg of vitamin C. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, vitamin C found in natural foods such as fruits and vegetables can prevent the development of heart disease. As a result, the chances of having a heart attack or stroke can be decreased by consuming the vitamin C nutrients found in apples.
Vitamin A
The vitamin A found in apples helps bone metabolism, skin health, cellular recovery and acts as an antioxidant to improve immune functions. The boost in your immune system helps fight off diseases, illnesses and other infections. Vitamin A creates a protective lining in the eyes, intestinal tracts, respiratory systems and urinary tracts. This adds further protection against airborne bacteria and bacteria that enter your body through what you eat.
Soluble Fiber
Soluble fiber found in apples help decrease low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol or "bad cholesterol. Over time, high levels of LDL cholesterol can cause your arteries to be blocked, resulting in a heart attack or stroke. The soluble fiber also regulates your blood sugar levels. Hunger is caused by low blood sugar, and snacking on an apple can satisfy your hunger rather than less effective sugars such as candy bars or sugar drinks.
Insoluble Fiber
Refereed to many as "nature's broom" because of its ability to sweep waste down and out, insoluble fiber induces regularity and eliminates constipation. The same insoluble fiber can be found in apples, which creates a slick residue in the digestive tract and colon to allow stool to pass more easily.