What Are Some Food & Drinks With Good Fiber?

Fiber is the woody part of the plant that has a tough outer coating and isn't digested by the body. But it does play an important role in a balanced healthy diet and you need fiber from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans and peas every day. The less broken down and processed the fiber in your food is when you consume it, the more of its healthy benefits you get.
  1. Water and Fiber Drinks

    • The best way to optimize your intake of fiber is to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Water has no fiber but is absorbed by fiber making its way through the digestive system. You can add fiber to what you drink by juicing and leaving some of the pulp or fiber in the juice and by making fruit smoothes with blended fresh fruit. You can also add fiber powders to water or juices to help to create bulk for elimination. But getting fiber form the foods you eat and the juices you drink is ideal.

    Fruit is Fun Fiber

    • Fruit is sweet, portable and nutritious. It's also loaded with fiber. Apples and oranges do mix very nicely on the list of top fiber foods. They are both soluble fibers which stabilize blood sugar levels and improve cholesterol levels. Fruit is an excellent source of vitamins and helps maintain colon health. Whenever possible, choose whole fruit over juice to get more fiber, fewer concentrated calories and satisfy your hunger. But drink your juice when whole fruit isn't an option. Good high-fiber fruits are apples, pears, strawberries, blueberries and oranges.

    Whole Grains are Good

    • Whole grains break down slowly, releasing their nutrients and providing constant energy. Soluble fiber reduces cholesterol. Insoluble fiber moves food through the digestive system. Fiber helps to control inflammation, prevent the formation of blood clots and may help prevent some cancers. Oatmeal, seeds and nuts, lentils, barley, brown rice, whole wheat and wheat bran, and couscous are some of the grains with concentrated fiber.

    Eat Beans

    • Beans have plenty of fiber and they are an important source of protein and very friendly carbs. They are inexpensive fiber and adapt readily to many recipes. Beans are featured in Middle Eastern, African and Latin American cuisines and work as the entrée for a vegetarian meal.

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