Vegan Diet for Teens
A vegan diet excludes not only meat but all animal-source foods, including eggs and dairy products. Many teen-agers choose to become vegan over concerns for animal welfare or for health issues. Because teen years are a time of growth and change, teens have particular nutritional needs. Most experts, however, acknowledge that a well-balanced vegan diet can be a healthy diet for teens.-
Protein is necessary for muscle-building and repair. Teens should eat about 0.4g of protein per pound of body weight or 40 to 50g of protein per day. Athletes may need a little more. The body cannot store protein. If the body's energy needs don't burn excess protein, the body stores it as fat. Protein is available from plant-based foods, but only soy protein contains all the amino acids essential for a healthy diet. While soy products such as tofu are ideal, teens can ensure they receive all the amino acids they need by eating a wide mixture of foods such as legumes, whole grains, seeds and nuts.
Teens need calcium for bone-building. Growing teen girls should take extra care to eat sufficient foods containing this mineral to help protect them from osteoporosis in future years. Both sexes should receive 1300mg of calcium per day. Good vegan sources of calcium are dark leafy greens, including kale, collard greens, bok choy and broccoli, as well as dried figs, nuts and fortified soy products. Sea vegetables such as hijiki are another valuable source of calcium, as is tahini and certain nut butters such as almond butter. Calcium needs vitamin D to be absorbed. Vitamin D does not usually occur in plant foods, but many vitamin D-fortified products are available. Vitamin D can be made by the body during exposure to sunlight. Teens who spend a lot of time inside should consider a vitamin D supplement or choose foods fortified with vitamin D.
Iron is important for the healthy function of red blood cells. Teen girls on a vegan diet should include foods high in iron. Girls from age 14 to 18 years should receive 15mg of iron per day, and boys should receive 11mg of iron daily. High levels of iron are in legumes such as aduki beans, whole grain products, pumpkin seeds, pistachios and certain other nuts. Cereal products fortified with iron are widely available. The body needs vitamin C to help it absorb iron. Blackcurrants have one of the highest concentrations of vitamin C, but bell peppers, strawberries, oranges and many vegetables are also good sources.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is the only diet essential that cannot be sourced naturally through a vegan diet. This vitamin is essential for healthy red blood cells, nervous system function and normal teen growth and development. A deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause the symptoms of breathlessness, lack of energy and pale skin. It also been been linked to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and depression. Vegans teens should choose a supplement or fortified foods that provide at least 2.4mg of vitamin B12 per day.
Teens may skip meals or be hungry between meals. Good snacks for vegan teens include fresh and dried fruit, vegetable sticks, bagels with nut butter, soy yogurts, frozen juice bars and rice cakes.