What Type of Food Is Good for Hair Growth?
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Foods packed with omega-3 fatty acids promote scalp health and prevent your hair from appearing dull and lifeless. Salmon, in particular, is loaded with omega-3s and also supplies you with vitamin B-12 and iron. A tablespoon or two of ground flax seed added to your diet will also ensure you are taking in these essential fatty acids. Blend ground flax seed into your morning milkshake for a quick boost.
Vitamins E, A, C, D and K
Extra virgin olive oil contains vitamins E, A, D and K, all of which aid hair growth. It can be easily drizzled over any meal or snack. Known for its conditioning and antioxidant properties, extra virgin olive oil can function as a topical agent; you can apply it directly to your hair. Dark green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are rich in vitamins A and C, which help your body produce the sebum that is secreted by hair follicles and naturally conditions your locks. Carrots deliver the vitamin A that your hair needs.
Although silica is found in the skins of potatoes and cucumbers, bean sprouts contain the largest doses of silica. Beansprouts like mung beans may be cooked, but are best eaten raw to reap full nutritional benefits. Toss the bean sprouts in a lunch salad and you may experience hair revival in a few months.
Biotin and Protein
Biotin deficiencies can result in brittle, damaged hair, while protein is regarded as the building block of hair. Eggs and legumes like kidney beans and lentils are packed with biotin and protein. Some individuals add raw eggs to smoothies or eggnog for maximum results. Beef and poultry unquestionably house large quantities of protein, and a quick serving of cottage cheese can help you add inches to your current hair length.
Nuts like walnuts cashews, almonds and pecans contain zinc, whose vitamin deficiency can lead to hair falling out. Add a handful of these nuts to your eating regimen as a healthy snack. Brazil nuts contain selenium, another nutrient important for hair growth. A seafood lover? Add oysters to your dinner plate next time you find yourself at the buffet.
B Vitamins
Whole grains store plentiful amounts of B vitamins that will deliver a kick of energy after you have hit the afternoon low. Eat breakfast cereal, whole wheat bread and short-grain brown rice, and you could see healthy, long hair in a few months' time.