Foods Rich in Citrulline
Citrulline Foods
Foods that are high in protein generally contain citrulline. Examples include milk, eggs, meat, fish, and beans. Additionally, watermelon is a rich source of citrulline, as well as scallions, garlic, and onions. Watermelon is also an effective defense against cardiovascular problems and hypertension.
Citrulline Deficiency
Citrulline deficiency can lead to fatigue and lack of muscle strength. As a result, it's suggested that at least some foods containing citrulline be consumed daily. Patients diagnosed by a doctor as having citrulline deficiency will be assigned a diet with higher quantities of citrulline.
Citrulline Dangers
Consult your doctor before deciding to supplement your diet with citrulline. Some doctors report that an excess amount of citrulline, over an extended period of time, can actually trigger the onset of kidney and liver disease.
Effects of Citrulline
Proteins containing citrulline should be consumed on a daily basis. Additionally, these foods are beneficial beyond their citrulline value, and contribute to health and muscle strength through other much-needed nutrients. Citrulline is also recognized as supporting the immune system.