How to Flush Excess Salt Out of Your Body
Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. The more water you drink, the more water you will flush out of your system. Flushing out the extra water will also flush out the salt that is being stored in the water and will reduce your sodium level.
Eat low-salt foods. Reduce your daily salt intake greatly by avoiding fast foods, junk food, frozen dinners or overly processed foods. Replace these with fresh vegetables and fruit that contain a lot of water, like broccoli and watermelon, and they will naturally flush the excess salt out of your body.
Reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat. Water in your body is found in carbohydrates that are stored in muscles and the liver. Reducing the amount of carbohydrates in your body will also reduce water and sodium levels.
Perform aerobic exercise to sweat the salt out. Do at least 30 minutes of exercise such as running, biking or hiking to raise your heart rate and body temperature enough to break a sweat. Sweating will flush the extra water and salt out of your body through the your pores and sweat glands. After working out, shower in warm water to rinse the salt and sweat off.
Consume more potassium-rich foods. The body responds to excess potassium by flushing it out along with the excess water in your body. Eating foods like bananas, oranges, avocados and raisins will provide the body with extra potassium to help you flush out extra water and extra salt with it.
Eat spicy foods. Taste buds react to the heat in spicy foods by raising body temperature and making the body sweat, flushing out extra water and salt in the process. Eating foods like curry dishes, hot sauces, hot peppers and ginger can raise your body temperature and make you sweat more.