Lower Abdomen Workout Diets
Foods For Better Abdominal Muscles
While diets provide a specific combination of foods to help induce a slimmer mid section, there are a number of foods that will help reduce excess fat around the lower abdomen. Almonds and eggs are excellent for supplying your body with lean proteins, amino acids and essential vitamins, like vitamin E. Soy products are full of antioxidants and fiber, while apples are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, which keep you feeling fuller and reduce hunger cravings. You can use these foods to replace unhealthy foods that you consume regularly.
Flat Ab Diet
The Flat Ab diet by Health Castle focuses on adjusting dietary choices to include more fiber and water intake, while reducing your sodium intake. The diet recommends at least 25 grams of fiber per day to help with digestion, which you can find in beans, oats and barley. Eight glasses of water each day will help flush sodium out of your body and hydrate muscles after workouts. For carbohydrates, the diet recommends balancing them with vegetables and fruit. Choose whole-grain bread sources.
The Abs Diet Power 12
The Abs Diet Power 12 recommends that individuals add twelve specific food groups to their diet as a whole. These food groups are, almonds and other nuts, beans and other legumes, spinach and other green vegetables, dairy products, instant oatmeal, eggs, turkey and other lean meats, peanut butter, olive oil, whole-grain breads and cereals, protein whey powder and raspberries and other berries. Individuals are asked to add at least three of these ingredients into their daily meals to replace other less healthy food options.
Ripped Abs Diet
The Ripped Abs diet recommends eating between four to six smaller meals a day rather than three large meals. This will make it easier for your digestive tract to process your meals and absorb all the nutrients. The diet also suggests not eating two hours before bedtime because your metabolism slows during sleep and food that is eaten too late will not digest properly. Complex carbohydrates such as whole-grain breads and cereals are recommended by the diet because they will keep you fuller longer. Participants in the diet should also consume 1 gram of protein for every 1 lb of muscle.